Page 57 - SANRAKSHIKA 2020 E - BOOK'
P. 57

The enforced shift during the worst of the pandemic to virtual working, consuming, and socializing will fuel a massive and further shift to virtual activity for anything. It will affect ways of communicating across learning, working, transacting, and consuming. This will impact everyone.
Spending time with loved ones, engaging in conversation, video calling those who are far away, and thus letting go of anxiety would be the best way and create an environment favorable to battling negative thoughts.
Maintaining a proper routine despite the lockdown will help to keep a balanced lifestyle and lead a healthy life. Yoga and Meditation have been proven as the most effective form of exercise which once included in our daily routine will help eradicate forms of stress and anxiety.
Keeping a proper diet and not too much of binge eating. Boredom brings about bouts of hunger and routine visits to the kitchen hunting for food, but this negatively affects our balanced lifestyle and leads to an unhealthy way of life. Substituting a snack with a healthy replacement will provide a lot more nutritional benefits.
Bringing back childhood games. One thing which can bring back fond memories from the past would be playing games like carrom, snakes and ladders etc. for which before they did not have enough time to spare.
Strengthening your talents and building new skills would seem like the perfect way to dispel idleness and any form of depressive thoughts. Whether it be learning to paint like Picasso or play like Mozart, this pandemic would see many new emerging artists.

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